A mandate of the Sarnia Organ Donor Awareness Group is to provide financial aid to individuals awaiting and following transplantation. These finances are primarily available for non-medical expenses and only to Lambton County residents.
We understand that having a loved one in need of transplantation can be a heavy burden on a family: emotionally, physically and financially. We also recognize that there may be expenses incurred, that are not covered by any government organization.
The nature of the illness and the organ and/or tissue required, determines where an individual may be treated. Transplant specialists and hospitals for local residents are located in London and Toronto. As a result, it is necessary for a patient to commute for medical appointments. It may be required that the patient and their care giver temporarily relocate closer to the transplant centre (Toronto) while awaiting a transplant, and all patients will be required to move closer to the hospital for several months post transplant. This becomes especially difficult when families are living apart and maintaining two households; their permanent residence in Lambton County and the required temporary location.
We may be able to assist with various expenses, including, but not limited to: gas for travel, parking fees, rent or utility expenses.
If you, or someone you know, may benefit from our assistance, please contact the SODA office at (519) 344-7777 or email SarniaOrganDonors@gmail.com. Please leave your contact information and Sue Morrison-Weir, our Patient Liaison, will return your call as soon as possible.